FACTS is the SIS (Student Information System) software MIS uses for parents to make tuition payments, apply and re-enroll to the school, and maintain accurate family information.
MIS maintains decision-making control on your account and school staff are available to discuss and help resolve any special circumstances that may arise.
FACTS is the place where the school stores student and family information and is the tuition payment platform. Except in unusual circumstances requiring the assistance of a FACTS customer support specialist, families will interface with MIS staff for support and customer care.
If a fee is charged for paying by debit or credit card, it will be disclosed on your screen at the time of payment. This fee goes directly to FACTS and MIS does not receive any portion of it. You can avoid this fee by paying via ACH.
Yes. You can log into FACTS and switch to one of the other payment plans MIS offers and change your method of payment, too. This applies to both tuition payments and incidentals.
1.Login to your FACTS family portal
2. Go to the ‘Financial’ tab from the left menu
3. Under Financial Links, click the ‘Financial Home’ link
4. Under Payment Plan & Billing, click the ‘view details’ link (a visual guide to this step and those that follow)
5. Click the blue ‘View Payment History’ button towards the top of the screen
6. You will then be able to select year or a custom date range
7. Click the ‘Print’ link in the upper right corner to print or save as pdf
8. This document will include our logo, address, EIN number, date range and payment details
No. Your FACTS account is setup by family, so all of your children will appear on your one family account.
If multiple households share the responsibility of your child for making tuition payments, updating information, etc, your child will belong to multiple families. Each family will only have access to their own family account, but can see information pertaining to the child. If multiple households will be making tuition payments, you can either make financial arrangements outside of FACTS or you can each be setup with a tuition payment plan. See also: “What if a 3rd party is paying tuition?”
If multiple households have a split payment arrangement for tuition payments, you must notify the school as MIS sets up payment split percentage arrangements in the backend of your student’s FACTS account.
We can establish someone as a guest payer on your account (the will receive an email invitation to join FACTS and will have a separate login for your account) or we can create them as a separate family. With the first option, they will not see your bank or credit card information nor will you see theirs but they will be able to see any invoices and other payments made on the account. With the second option, this is all kept completely separate.
FACTS keeps information for your family secure and all in one place to ensure you are receiving important information and that MIS has up-to-date information on your student. This means: one account for the entire family; convenient, easy to understand reenrollment without reentering information year-to-year; real-time account viewing to see payment history, important tax information, account balances, etc; payment reminders via email, text, phone or mail; 24/7 customer service; access to your account from any device; accurate before and after care tracking; and more.
Yes! As a nation-wide company that works exclusively with independent schools, they have access to the best resources to keep your information safe.